Tulsa Amateur Radio Club (TARC)

website: w5ias.com

The Tulsa Amateur Radio Club is an association of members interested in the furtherance of Amateur Radio. We endeavor to educate members and others regarding the use of Amateur Radio for social betterment and to establish uses for communication in times of emergency, declared or undeclared. TARC provides qualified members to conduct educational seminars or classes, individually or in association with other organizations with like intention and purpose, for the teaching and education of anyone interested in Amateur Radio.

TARC members actively support ARES, the Amateur Radio Emergency Service and participate in emergency communication exercises and National Weather Service training. When normal modes of communication have been disrupted by natural or man-made disasters, we can provide supplemental radio communications until normal communications have been restored.

We assist many Public Events such as providing support for local bicycle rides and communication support for parades and other community communications needs.

The Tulsa Amateur Radio Club also participates in the annual Tulsa MakerFaire, providing information and education about amateur radio.

Each year TARC participates in the ARRL Field Day event, Route 66 on the Air, Winter Field Day and Green Country Hamfest as well as other activities throughout the year.


If you see a mistake with the information above, please email Tim.